1. When the opening and closing are not smooth, if the chain head is pulled forcefully, it will cause tooth element bite failure. At this time, use paraffin or lubricating spray [FASTENERMATE] to coat the surface and inside of the teeth, and then move the puller several times before sliding loose.
2. The zipper on the bag when too many things are packed, if a closed zipper is used, the force on the zipper is too large, which will cause the teeth to detach from the belt. This is considered serious in terms of zipper malfunction. Pull the left and right teeth closer so that the chain head can easily close the zipper through the rear.
3. When opening and closing the zipper, sometimes the chain head bites the line segment or fabric, making the pull head unable to move. In this situation, if the pull head is forcefully pulled, it will bite deeper and deeper. On the one hand, the pull head should be reversed, and on the other hand, the fabric should be unfastened. When fully biting in, do not forcefully pull the puller, please slowly reverse the puller. Also, when sewing and pulling, please do not leave any hidden dangers.